Sample Modules


Click here to see list of Modules

1 hour Financial Ed Class (pdf) (Catholic Charities/FTC): Content for a one hour basic class on budgeting, money habits, debt to income ratios and credit. Includes materials created by the FTC. (Budgeting, Money Habits, Debt to Income Ratios and Credit, FTC)

Presentation for Class 1 (pdf) (Community Vision): Income and tracking – Income types, understanding a paycheck, Social Security benefits and the impact of income types on SSI, identifying needs and wants and obligations (For people with third party control over their money due to disability and/or in need of basic concepts and financial skills) (Income, Benefits, Income Tracking Tools, Paystub, Budgeting, Technology, SSI, Establishing a household of one, Food Stamps, SSI Tracker, Needs, Wants and Promises)

Presentation for Class 2 (pdf) (Community Vision): Paying bills and intro to budgeting, Unexpected expenses and how to make smart choices with unplanned financial hardship (For people with third party control over their money due to disability and/or in need of basic concepts and financial skills) (Paying Bills,Prioritizing, Building a Budget, Planning for Expenses, Contingency Planning)

Presentation for Class 3 (pdf) (Community Vision): How to save and asset restrictions for people on medical social services explored and budgeting tools further explored (For people with third party control over their money due to disability and/or in need of basic concepts and financial skills) (Cash Flow Planning, Envelop Budgeting, Bill Payment Calendar, Text/Email Alerts, Auto Bill Pay, Bank Account, Asset Limits, Saving While on Benefits, ABLE Account, Short and Long Term Savings)

Presentation for Class 4 (pdf) (Community Vision): A presentation on debt and credit. Why building credit is important, The difference between a debit and credit card. Types of credit. Good credit v. Bad Credit (For people with third party control over their money due to disability and/or in need of basic concepts and financial skills)

Presentation for Class 5 (pdf) (Community Vision) How to identify and protect yourself from fraud and scammers (For people with third party control over their money due to disability and/or in need of basic concepts and financial skills) (Debt Recovery, Fruad, Identity Theft, Protect Yourself, Recover from Fraud and Identity Theft)


Sample Agendas

Click here to see list of Sample Agendas

Class 1 Agenda & Class 2 Agenda (pdf) (Community Vision): A sample agenda for their 4 part Advance Series.



Click here to see list of Questionnaires

Start of Class Questionnaire (pdf) (Community Vision): A tool to measure participants beginning knowledge (Program Assessment).

End of Class Questionnaire (pdf) (Community Vision): A tool to measure participants ending knowledge (Program Assessment).

My Money Picture (pdf) (Community Vision): A questionnaire to assess financial health (Self- assessment).