IDA Education Packet: Planning for Retirement. Specifically designed for Oregon IDA Savers! Use this IDA Education Series Self-Directed Curriculum to learn about the basics of Planning for Retirement.
español: IDA Plan de estudios autodirigido: Jubilación IDA. Información y apoyo a los ahorrantes de IDA para obtener una mejor comprensión de cómo funciona la planificación de la jubilación y aprenderá pequeños pasos que puede tomar para respaldar su futuro.
Other free resources:
What will saving part of your paycheck mean in retirement? (website) (Oregon Saves) Tool: This retirement calculator is an interactive tool for participants to see the effect of retirement savings by age and amounts. Calculates based on Roth IRAs and their contribution limits. Use your salary and savings rate to calculate your savings balance and retirement age.
Planning for your Retirement (website) (CFPB) Consumer Tools: Balancing debt, retirement income, and assets becomes even more important to your financial security as you age. Consumer tools and resources on this site can help you plan for retirement. (claiming Social Security, protecting your pension, pension payout, home equity loans, reverse mortgage, aging in place, managing debt)