Topic 12: Protecting Assets

Core Content Resources

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Basic Insurance Terminology (Website) ( (Agent, Claim, Deductible, Indemnify, Liability, Loss, Premium, Policy, Risk, Underwriting)

Building Native Communities: Financial Skills for Families ( full curriculum) (First Nations Development Institute). See session 6 (pages 130-138). Includes reflection about insurance and P.131 details various types of insurance and what risks they help mitigate. P.136 has some of the basic terms related to  health insurance. (Health, life, car, disability, renters, out of pocket, selecting insurance products)


Economic Literacy Resources

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Insurance Explained – How Do Insurance Companies Make Money and How Do They Work (The Infographics Show) (YouTube) Though they are highly regulated, they are a for profit business and will do everything they can to avoid paying out claims. Consumers must read policies to understand their coverage and responsibilities.


Additional Resources

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